Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Well scale results.

Woke up about 6am - 11st 8lbs exactly
Went back to bed.
Woke up at 10:30 - 11st 6.8 lbs

Obviously lie ins rock anyway - but will stick to the 11st 8lbs one, I feel validated. I was happy with 11st 8 anyway, if the scales show something better tomorrow then thats also fabulous.

Happy days

Todays meal is cottage cheese. From Sainsburys :( Avoid it. Its not curdy at all, its like thick lumpy yoghurt. The Asda one at least has good solid lumps of cheese curd - this though is just like yoghurt thats went off (yes I know thats all cheese is anyway but still)

Not relishing the thought of that later on, let me tell you.

Update: Its boggin'. Its like thrush in a tub. I'm sticking to Asda. It might be considered the cheap version but at least it tastes nice.

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