Friday, 10 April 2009

Day 7

Thats a week gone! Going to have unofficial official weigh in tomorrow as not seeing CDC until 25th.

Menu: Choc Mint shake, Choc Orange, Vanilla Latte
Drinks: Herbal tea (2 mugs) 3 L still water
Mood: Feeling really really positive. No temptation yesterday at all
Cheats: Nope
Weight: 13 stone 4lbs bang on this morning.

In a moment of pure anal retentiveness, I organised all my shakes into nice neat rows in the kitchen drawer where they live. Then I alphabetised them. I need to get a grip.

Have entered a summer solstice challenge, which is set for 21st July/10 weeks away. I have put myself down for 28lbs to lose, which is an average of 2.8 lbs a week. I'm quietly confident that I'll get this. Was going to aim for 35lbs but although average on this is 14lbs a moth, feel setting the bar for that would be courting failure or disappointment.

Sailed through Day 6 yesterday. No temptation to have anything remotely non CD related, and had to remember to have my 3rd pack at 9:30pm tonight.

Roll on day 7!

1 comment:

  1. Hey well done! 10lbs in 7 days?? Hope I can do that.

    I know what you mean about setting yourself up to fail (though I bet you will smash your 28lb goal).
