Wednesday, 8 April 2009


Menu: Strawberry shake, Vegetable soup, Chocolate shake
Fluids: 1.5 L of sparkling water, 2.5 L of still water, 1 black coffee
Cheats: None again. I'm being soooooo good
Mood: Chipper, still stressed re exams
Weight: 13 st 5lbs

Almost a week! I feel somehow validated that its day 5. I always struggle with days 3 and 4 for some reason, however looking forward to the end of the week for my unofficial official weigh in. Don't see counsellor for 3 weeks, on the 25th of April, so any weigh ins are really unofficial.

Feeling a bit chipper and because its day 5, its day 5 of 83!!! Which means I only have 78 days to go before I can add a meal and it will be the end of my Sole Source part of the diet (hopefully)

Really looking forward to weigh ins, have devised a reward system as I progress down, and its really important not to reward with food so at 13st I am treating myself (or rather husband is) to a pedicure. Professional Like.

Next weekends looking likely!

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