Saturday, 25 April 2009

Day 22

Oh crivens!

Well had my official weigh in today at counsellors. Turns out her new scales are just a wee half pound heavier than mines so....

12 STONE 10lbs!!

I am very pleased with myself. I think I still have a fat head on though, as although I have got rid of 1 stone and 4lbs in 3 weeks, I can't see it. Sometimes I can sight of myself and think "Your face looks thinner" or "Ooh I have a jawline" and others I just think "Fat cow". Bought myself some varied packs this week for the next fortnight. And I will see my counsellor in a fortnight for official weighing ins.

This time around I bought:
7 choc peanut bars
7 apple and cinnamon porridge
1 tomato soup
11 choc tetras
5 choc orange shakes
4 choc mint shakes
7 Vanilla shakes

Absurdly enjoyed my peanut bar today. I know you can have one everyday, but just fancied spacing them out a bit.

So yeah, now for the stats

Menu: Choc tetra, peanut bar, tomato soup
Mood: Elated and focused
Drinks: Black coffee whilst out, 3.5 L water, some herbal tea later
Weight: 12 st 10lbs! Thats 1 stone, 4lbs lost in 3 weeks.
Cheats none.

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