Sunday, 31 May 2009

Day 58

Today and yesterday going very well. 100% all the way.

Only downer is I seem to have got sunburnt again. In Glasgow. Whats that all about?

Nothing really to report, hanging there. Very hungry today, but this too shall pass.


  1. Haha got your message, it made me chuckle,yes I am (still trucking) a fashion I tend to have two weeks on one week off and its working OK for me that way. Have lost two and a half stone now, plenty more to go but feeling better for it. Not feeling the blog at the moment though. Maybe I will again soon.

    You are doing really well, almost at goal? Does it feel good?


  2. Does actually, I'm one of those peeps who have to stay on 100%, any derailment really seems to play havoc with me though.

    So looking forward to 810 in about 2 weeks though! Had enough of just shakes but I am not caving in!
