Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Day 40

Today - well today was... interesting.

I finally bought a mirror, because standing in placement in my undies trying to catch a glimpse of myself in the changing room small mirror, wasn't going to end well. So splashed out £32 on a big stand up mirror.

Came home, had a bath (because I was freezing) and stood in front of it. Now whilst I didn't like what I see, I didn't hate it either. I look... normal(ish). I still have a wee belly but I have a definite hip shape as opposed to just lumpy saddlebags. I have abs. I shit you not. Not a six pack or anything but I can tell once I lose more weight I will have some definition there. My bum is smaller, noticeable and my thighs although still curved at the front and a bit heavy and shaping in.

My calves have a structure! Moving about I can see the bone running down the middle of the leg, previously they just looked kind of cleaved in two lengthways.

My shoulders are much slimmer and I can see shape of a rib cage. My skins not saggy which is good and my upper arms are shaping in nicely. I think I might still have a bit of bingo wingage at the end but I can live with that to be honest.

My face is changing shape too, I can see some cheekbone area emerging.

So I still have a way to go yet, but I'm not looking in the mirror today and thinking "Fat cow. Look at the state of you, you look like a sack of potatoes". Instead I was thinking, if I passed myself in the street I wouldn't look twice.

This is good.

1 comment:

  1. Thats great going Marri! You must be feeling more confident now that you are starting to see the difference yourself!

    Keep up the good work!

    Also, I am sure you did great in your exam :)
